Reiki Good Vibes

Our Services

Reiki Houston Services

Our Services

Reiki Good Vibes Wellness Center in Houston offers a variety of services to help and support your natural ability to heal on the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels. Explore our Reiki Houston Services and start living your ideal life now!

Reiki Healing

Reiki Healing helps balance your energy, opens blocked meridians and chakras, cleanse aura.

Crystal Healing

 Release negative energy and raise your vibration with our crystal healing techniques.

Sound Healing

 Special sound frequencies played during the session will help you relax and heal.

Life Coach

Clarify your goals, identify what is holding you back, and learn to overcome the difficulties in your life to accelerate your success.

Wellness Consulting

Begin the journey to a healthier and well-balanced lifestyle with the help of our wellness consultants.

Group Workshops & Reiki Classes

Join our group workshops for a group Reiki session and guided meditation. Join our Reiki Classes taught by a Reiki Master to learn more about Reiki and what it can do for you.

Reiki Houston Services


How many Reiki sessions are needed?

The number of sessions needed depends for each client, a minimum of five sessions are recommended.

How long is the Reiki session?

The Reiki sessions lasts between 60-90 min. First Reiki session lasts longer than the rest of the sessions.

What will I feel during the Reiki session?

The Reiki session starts with a guided meditation to relax the client followed by beaming of energy from the palms of the Reiki practitioner, slightly away from the client’s body or some distance in the room.

The experience varies for each client. Most Reiki clients usually feel a deep sense of relaxation and calmness. Reiki energy helps and encourages you to let go of tension and anxiety, release fear and any other negative feelings. At the end of the session you will feel at peace, relaxed, fresh and positive.

What are the Reiki benefits?

Reiki has a lot of other uses and works in harmony with both medical and natural treatments. Reiki helps reduce negative side effects and pain, colds and flu symptoms, headaches, skin conditions, anxiety, anger, depression and helps with sleep problems. Reiki sessions are suitable for pregnant women or women who wish to become pregnant.

It helps with feelings of being “stuck” in your life, it gives you clarity, increased motivation and helps you move forward from a broken relationship or from a job that got to an end. It also helps with recovery from grief and loss of a loved one and helps you move forward with your life.

Does Distance Reiki works?

Distance Reiki session works well when client is not available for in person session because Reiki energy is not limited by time and space. Distance Reiki available to clients who do not wish to travel to our office or wish to send Reiki to a friend or loved one who can not visit us in person.

Distance Reiki can be sent to the future to work on a situation like job interviews, tests, trips or a medical procedure to help with calm, relaxation or motivation. Distance Reiki can be sent to the past to heal a traumatic experience to resolve the present effects of the event. Distance Reiki works with or without guided meditation. Distance Reiki could also be used for pets.

Reiki Houston Services

What Our Clients Say

" I tried Reiki at the advice of a friend. Pain level from my spine was very high and did not respond to other treatments. After 5 Reiki sessions the pain level was greatly reduced and now feel comfortable without pain medication. Thank you Reiki! "

Karen M

" Every session was special to me! I would walk in with tension in my body and walk out feeling like I had enjoyed a relaxing day at the spa! It was a unique experience each time I went back. One time I had pain around my heart chakra for a long time that simply would not go away. After a few sessions, the pain finally disappeared! I am so fascinated with what Reiki can do, that I will be taking Reiki classes to learn how to heal myself "

Stefany M